Episode 2


Hey friends! Today on the inspire health by JEN podcast we are talking about what your doctors are not talking about. Not because theyre bad or they dont care, but unless they have sought information outside of the system they simply are unaware. 

If you understand these three things about your health you will not be sick any longer with chronic conditions! How can I say that? Because these are the key factors that shifted 8 diff autoimmuen chronic and autoimmune conditions in my body into remission

So if you or someone you love has been struggling with their health and cannot see a way out.. Listen in for these 3 things that will serve you with the truth and inspire you with the tools to heal your body from the inside out!

YOUR BODY CAN HEAL, he or she is your friend, and she is not attacking herself.

I promise. 

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Your DNA is NOT your Destiny

You are not fat you’re inflamed

The number one lie you’re being told about autoimmune disease

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Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton 

HEAL documentary 

Free Healing Guides:

One Day Detox Recipes

Full Moon Meditation

Energy Healing Audio

Find Out More:www.inspirehealthbyjen.com

Jen Ciszewski