Episode 23


I'm so excited for you to hear this week's episode! My friend and very special guest Dr. Lizzie Kieffer takes us through her fertility, birth, and postpartum journey with an inside lens on all of the troubles and triumphs to bring her sweet baby girl into the world. This conversation is different from all other birth episodes. I was able to serve Lizzie and her husband as their birth doula and this is the time set aside to go reflect on the entire experience and why Dr. Lizzie's journey from conception to birth unfolded the way she had prayed!

Dr. Lizzie talks to us about a best-kept secret manual fertility method that helped her conceive naturally! She then takes us through the preparation process for her perfect birth day and discloses the very information women are left in the dark about during the postpartum healing process. Conditions like incontinence, pain during intercourse, prolapse and so many more Dr. Lizzie names CAN BE HEALED!! Can I get a hallelujah?!!

If you desire a different way for your fertility and birth journey, this episode is for you!  I know a piece of every woman will heal listening to this episode. Lizzie’s story and her message for women is medicine to the soul. 

At the end of this episode you will have gathered the resources necessary to begin preparing for your empowered birth from the expert guidance of Dr. Lizzie Kieffer… don’t wait..head over to the Inspire Health by Jen podcast and press play!


Jen’s I AM WOMAN- Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum Program

Work with Lizzie

Lizzie’s Instagram

Jen’s signature I AM WOMAN healing program 

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Jen’s birthday party- detox style!


Free Guide(s):

One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-to-pdf

Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation

Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download 

Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com 

Blog: www.middaypigeon.com

Have a question? Send a request!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A


If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…

Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!

Jen Ciszewski