Episode 24


This week on the Inspire Health by Jen Podcast I am giving all of womankind a little pep talk okay? If you are TTC, pregnant, breastfeeding, or you undoubtedly know someone who is..

I want to invite you into a world unknown to most women.

A world where possibilities for pregnancy exist, a world where trouble trying to conceive doesn’t result in an IVF sentence, a world where you feel so sure of your bodies ability to birth and breastfeed your baby not even the power of the Earth could shake this belief from you.

I want to invite you into this world of creating your dream pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding experience because it will involve you walking through a secret door, yes imagine Alice and Wonderland theme here!

I want to invite you into this magical motherhood world because the majority of your doctors, nurses, and family members won’t even know to let you know it exists!

I want to invite you to a place where Spirit meets science.

A place where both your intuition and your evidence-based research can coexist in harmony to lead you to the pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding experience of your dreams! 

This podcast connects you to a healing community and a realm of possibilities that may not have been made possible to you before.

This community is here to uplift and support you along your journey.

Thank YOU for being here… now let’s listen to this week’s episode!!


Jen’s I AM WOMAN- Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum Program

Your Holistic Pregnancy Blog

Study referenced:

Lothian J. A. (2004). Do not disturb: the importance of privacy in labor. The Journal of perinatal education, 13(3), 4–6. https://doi.org/10.1624/105812404X1707

Jen’s signature I AM WOMAN healing program 

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Jen’s birthday party- detox style!


Free Guide(s):

One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-to-pdf

Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation

Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download 

Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com 

Blog: www.middaypigeon.com

Have a question? Send a request!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A


If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…

Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!

Jen Ciszewski